Sunday, October 13, 2013

Inquietudes incumplidas

Hay veces que los días traen cosas nuevas, esperanzas renovadas, sorpresas y sinsabores inesperados, pero la mayoría de los días son cotidianos, llenos de costumbres y la rutina. Sin embargo, muchas veces, quizás mientras conducimos el coche o nos sentamos a tomar una taza de café o a leer el periódico nos llega a la mente una serie de inquietudes incumplidas, sumergidas en nuestro cofre secreto: tal vez pensar en esa persona que aún sigues amando pero has ahuyentado por deberes, responsabilidades o miedo, tal vez sea un recuento mental de tus errores y cosas que quedaron sin decir o quizás instintos reprimidos de huir o amar a la persona ideal pero inaceptable y dañino a ti, a tu familia, amigos y seres queridos que vetan tus deseos de libertad y felicidad. Entonces vuelves a la realidad, oyes el zumbido de los autobuses, los sonidos de una ambulancia, los claxones de choferes impacientes... se acabó tu momento privado y vuelves a tus deberes. ¡

Sunday, August 11, 2013


MARÍA JOSÉ " Prefiero Ser Su Amante". Todos los que me conocen en persona o en el Facebook saben que soy abierto y siempre pongo los naipes sobre la mesa. Todos saben que mi filosofía de vida es similar a la que vivieron Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera: Lealtad sin ponerle atención a la fidelidad. La fidelidad es sobrevalorada y su ausencia causa mucho drama, desilusión y malentendidos en todas las parejas. A las amantes les dicen golfas, zorras, perras, y otros nombres que no se pueden escribir aquí. Bravo por La Josa por cantarle a las amantes y su letra es la pura y cruda verdad. Siéntanse en libertad de opinar y criticar aquí, las amantes y los amantes dan libertad de expresar los sentimientos tal y como son y si llegamos a ese punto no solo ellos son los culpables...el espejo no miente ni empaña la realidad ni se esconde del que dirán; tu intuición te dice la verdad y te da parte de una culpa compartida. Yo he sido y he tenido amantes... Yo he sido y he probado ese dulce que siempre sabe bien y eso no me cambia como persona, hombre, amigo o profesional aunque la norma hipócrita de la sociedad dicte lo contrario.. La calle tiene muchas piedras así que agarren la más grande para tirármela a mi o a La Josa si así te sientes mejor. Prefiero ser su amante...¡La Josa!

Good Night Mr. Freshëns, Wherever You Are

GOODNIGHT MR. FRESHËNS, WHEREVER YOU ARE. 8:17 PM, 8/9/13, Atlanta International Airport. After finishing a meal of chili con carne and grilled cheese I decided to walk toqards my gate A33 to catch the 9:46 PM Delta flight to Hartford. Near gate A27 there is this small yogurt shop and thinking of a small yogurt treat I stopped to look at the wall menu. Next to me a man also stopped to look at the menu. He looked at me and said "It's only $3.49 a cup" and I answered "Yes, and only 70 calories". He webt to the counter, took his Visa card and asked for a cup of vanilla yogurt with oreo and M&M's toppings. I got in line behind me and took out a $5.00 bill. "Are you getting a cup?" He asked me. "Yes, I'll get one" He was blond, about 30 years old, 6"0', blue eyes, light blue jeans, beige Polo shirt, blue Converse tennis shoes, and a burgundy backpack. "Go ahead, order and I'll pay for it" "Thanks, but that's not necessary" I said timidly showing him my $5 dollar bill. He smiled "I insist"... I asked the attendant for a cup of yogurt with oreo cookies feeling guilty for the extra calories. Not knowing what else to say I inquired "where are you heading?" I just arrived from Charlotte, North Carolina and I am heading to see my family in Pennsylvania...Harrisburg, and you?" As the attendant handed me my yogurt I replied "Heading to Hartford from Honduras...went to visit family and friends" He smiled "that's a long trip". Picking up my carry-on I said "Thanks a lot for the treat" "My pleasure. Have a nice trip and a good night". "Same to you" I said as I headed to my gate holding the cup of yogurt in my hand. After about 60 steps (I counted them) I looked by and saw him standing there waving goodbye by the yogurt stand. I waved back and never looked back. So now I am here, waiting for my flight by gate A33 enjoying my yogurt which has started to melt. I started thinking of Jimmy Durante and his "Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are" quote. I got up and looked back at gate A27; he is no longer there. People like that man make this country unique and special: strangers making an ephemeral but unforgettable connection. I know I will never forget him like Durante never forgot Mrs. Calabash. Perhaps I will drive to Harrisburg many times and one day I will see him and thank him for this memory. In the meantime, Goodnight and good travels Mr. Freshëns, wherever you are.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Libertad y Cobardia

Despierto una vez mas, toda la noche en vela el andar de mis pensamientos comienza a aclararse; un sin fin de veces con maleta y cautela mi alma trato de escaparse... Ya no te amo una frase simple y cortante ni la costumbre despeja el sentimiento a tu lado metamorfosis de farsante. Mejor que se acabe asi, tu lecho de monarca te arrulla flotando en la nube de un loco frenesi; ¿que oigo?... mi amigo desde afuera aulla sabiendo que me alejo de ti. Sigilosa mi salida en la sombra como ese primer dia que menti a mi madre, ya no quiero vivir en zozobra me voy con mi perro, ojala no ladre... De frente al sol del nuevo dia libre al fin, nunca mas cautivo; manipulaciones y soberbia sin motivo bendita huida, libertad en cobardia.


Invierno en Connecticut... nevando una vez más, al abrir la puerta se siente la ráfaga de frío en mis ojos, solamente mi fiel perra se atreve a acompañarme aferrándose a mi sombra escapando de una intemperie percibida. Al limpiar las ventanas del carro el viento sopla nieve en mi cara y la convierte en gotas de agua que ruedan por las mejillas. Siento humedad entre mis manos, la nieve en mis guantes se cuela hecha agua...mientras ella corre olfateando la nieve acumulada tratando de percibir su esencia...ahh, corrió bastante lejos para hacer sus necesidades, voy a buscarla, la hallo y me abraza moviendo la cola. Me quedo observando el camino recorrido, huellas de patas y zapatos en una misma dirección. Kaluma y yo regresamos al calor de la casa. Lo bueno del invierno es que el tímido sol derretirá nuestros pasos y ni huella quedará de aquel encuentro, cosas del destino y el tiempo. Me voy a trabajar.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Pushy, pushy, stupid know-it-all nurse,
her non-compliant mother is now circling the drain,
and having such a daughter has now become her curse,
"she is anemic in CHF and so much pain
give her blood and give her iron she needs a boost"
Yes, my darling, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Non-compliant mother had many polyps several years ago,
"I don't want another colonoscopy, I hate that preparation"
Well, then plan a holiday in Trinidad-Tobago,
I will not be attending your cremation.

Pushy, pushy, stupid know-it-all nurse daughter,
she thinks she also went to medical school
non-compliant mother is heading for a slaughter
Darwin in action, that nurse is such a fool.

So now she is going for a transfusion,
the horses left the barn, time to call the bands
know-it-all nurse, living in a world of confusion,
blood into the vein, alas, there is blood in her hands

I will do nothing else but sign the order and close the chart

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Bronx, New York, Saturday morning...getting out of bed, showering, brushing my teeth, jumping into my blue jeans and my Polo shirt, sneakers...kissing mom goodbye "the Mets are playing today mom" "I know, they will win!"... running downstairs, picking up my car keys...into my red Ford Escort GT. Out to Leland Avenue in the Bronx... right on Gleason, right on Thieriot, right on Westchester Avenue, waving my friends goodbye, yes, they were going to Circle Pizza to hang out, right on White Plains Road for a mile then onto the Bruckner Expressway heading to Whitestone Bridge...oh what a pain in the ass waiting on line to pay the $1.00 toll, finally speeding on the bridge, goodbye Shea Stadium and my beloved and Amazin' Mets, bearing into the Van Wyck Expressway heading to JFK...oh there is the Belt Parkway heading to Verrazano, great, now on the Belt, a few miles, goodbye Queens, hello Brooklyn...need to get off at 86th Street...I'm there, goodbye guys at Vito's Pizza, we'll see you later...oh here is 18th left on 70th Street and left on 17th Avenue and left on 71st Street...half a block on the left side... "Hey Rocky!! How are you?"..."Hey José, what'us up?"...big kiss for Rocco Leone who was sitting by the front porch "Hey José, the Mets are no good!" "Oh Rocky, give them time" the door.."Hi José! Vinny's upstairs getting ready" "Vicky love you!" "How's your mom?" "Mom is feeling a little better, thanks!" "And your sisters and brother?" "Good, my brother is in Okinawa with the Marines and my sisters are working even today" big hug and kiss for Vicky Leone. "Hey José! You're early" "Vin, early for lunch, late for breakfast, right Vic?" Vinny kisses his mom, out the door, kiss for Rocky "Rocky, don't lose faith, the Mets will do it"..Rocky sticks his tongue out and gives the Mets the thumbs down...getting into the a few blocks, 13th avenue to Il Forno Pizzeria "what are you guys having?" "José will have two squares and Coke and I will have two round ones and a Diet Coke" says Vinny as we head to our usual table and greet our friends...great indelible scenes at our Italian Restaurant.
Oh Rocky, I miss you so much; oh mom, I miss you so much...I promise that if the Mets win the Pennant or the World Series again I will make a trip to visit both of you in Brooklyn and Paramus, NJ to put Mets pennants on your graves....Billy Joel, thanks for the songs, thank you for putting the New York spirit in our hearts and souls...